Ivan Razzhivin

Certified AWS Architect

AWS ECS and Terraform Expert


Result-oriented AWS Solutions Architect with the focus on building scale-ready, secure, and cost-efficient infrastructure for startups.


AWS · Terraform · Containers (AWS ECS) · CI/CD (GitHub Actions)

Recent success story


Public activity


Bachelor of Computer Science - Applied Mathematics and Information Science, HSE University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2020.

Before FivexL

Built, maintained, and rented servers for online games; defended the servers from DDoS and other attacks.


I’m an easy-going, organized, lifetime learner. I like to read books and am interested in investment schemes, self-improvement, and travel.


“Ivan has excellent self-organization. He is a quick learner - after the summer practice, he started working independently on the project, made a bootstrap of the project, and brought it to a steady state.”
Senior Consultant, Co-Founder Artem Zhelezov

“Ivan explains complex things in an accessible way. I admire his systematic approach to working on projects and organizing his workflow. Ivan has a lot of ambitions and aspirations for new knowledge and experience. He is easygoing, always ready for adventure, and loves enduro, cycling, and traveling.”
Marketing Director Vera Zhukova

“Ivan is responsible and intelligent; he has independently learned a broad range of technologies. He is ready to share his knowledge and is always available to tell or explain something complicated in simple words. Recently Ivan also began to participate in conferences where he shares his exper.”
Consultant, Maria Zubchenko

“Excellent self-organization is necessary for successful remote work, and the desire to learn is one of the root values of FivexL. By the end of his studies at the university, Ivan successfully implemented his first project with FivexL.”
Principal Consultant, Co-Founder Andrey Devyatkin

“Ivan is a great specialist and mentor. He helped me a lot to dive into the project. He explains complex things in an accessible way and is always ready to help. It is enjoyable to work with Ivan in a team. He likes to ride scooters)”
Consultant Alexey Eremin

Case Studies


Qameta Case Study

FivexL designed and implemented a cost-efficient, scalable, and secure Cloud-based SaaS.

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Wings Case Study

FivexL built a scalable and secure infrastructure in AWS from the ground up in just 3 months for a smart expense management service.

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Andrew_Terraform.png May 5, 2023

Moving Terraform Managed Resources Between States for Scaling AWS Infrastructure in Startups

Comprehensive comparison and a step-by-step guide for implementing two methods for moving Terraform managed resources between states in AWS infrastructure in terms of speed, reliability and scalability.

new_image.png October 31, 2022

How GitOps Helped a Startup Scale an On-Premise Solution to SaaS

look at Spot Instance allocation strategies and see how you can use the Terraform module with no issues and save money at the same time.