Keeping your data secure in transit with ECS Service Connect



ECS_article.png July 15, 2024

Keeping your data secure in transit with ECS Service Connect

Deep-dive into AWS ECS Service Connect. How startup can enable encryption in transit with ECS Service Connect and ECS Fargate deployment

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FivexL Container Hardening Guide

Comprehensive and continuously updated list of best practices for securing containerized workloads. From build to execution.

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FivexL’s Current Best Thinking on Branching and CI/CD Pipelines

Discover FivexL expert advice on CI/CD pipelines and branching strategies, combining years of hands-on AWS infrastructure experience.

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Get Ready to Slice and Dice Your S3 Logs: Amazon S3 server access logging now supports automatic date-based partitioning

Amazon S3 server access logging now supports automatic date-based partitioning for log delivery. This allows services like Amazon Athena to improve performance and reduce cost when querying logs.

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Introducing the Open-Source Terraform AWS SSO Elevator Module with Slack Integration

Open-source Terraform AWS SSO Elevator tool allows requesting and granting temporary elevated access for AWS SSO through a Slack request/approval workflow.

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How to build a positive remote working culture: Insights from FivexL

FivexL shares insights on cultivating a positive remote work environment, discussing effective task management, work-life balance, workspace organization, tackling procrastination, and building cohesive teams

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