Building MVP on AWS: Key Services and Benefits for Startups



Alexey.png June 2, 2023

Introducing the Open-Source Terraform AWS SSO Elevator Module with Slack Integration

Open-source Terraform AWS SSO Elevator tool allows requesting and granting temporary elevated access for AWS SSO through a Slack request/approval workflow.

remote.png May 22, 2023

How to build a positive remote working culture: Insights from FivexL

FivexL shares insights on cultivating a positive remote work environment, discussing effective task management, work-life balance, workspace organization, tackling procrastination, and building cohesive teams

Andrew_Terraform.png May 5, 2023

Moving Terraform Managed Resources Between States for Scaling AWS Infrastructure in Startups

Comprehensive comparison and a step-by-step guide for implementing two methods for moving Terraform managed resources between states in AWS infrastructure in terms of speed, reliability and scalability.

Vova_article.png January 16, 2023

LProbe: A Secure, Open-Source Local Health Check Solution

Find out how to securely conduct a local health check without wget, curl, or your proprietary code. LProbe is a reliable open-source solution.

new_image.png October 31, 2022

How GitOps Helped a Startup Scale an On-Premise Solution to SaaS

look at Spot Instance allocation strategies and see how you can use the Terraform module with no issues and save money at the same time.

Reaction4.png September 22, 2022

FivexL’s Reaction to the AWS Security Baseline for Startups

FivexL shares its outlook on AWS Security Guidelines for startups. Find out how to improve your AWS security efficiently.